Hartwig Fuhrmann

"ProMES is an exceptional method for performance management. ProMES combines the central ideas of work efficiency, motivation and participation of employees, as well as promoting teamwork. Through this combination performance management is not just a job of the leader, but produces a strong commitment for everyone involved."

Dr. Hartwig Fuhrmann, 3heit

Hartwig Fuhrmann has been working as ProMES-facilitator for 30+ years. He is an organizational and motivational psychologist, who originally was part of the research group headed by Prof. Kleinbeck, which introduced ProMES in Germany and evaluated its effectiveness. Since then he has helped multiple teams in organizations of different sizes and different lines of business in introducing and establishing ProMES.

The Company

We see ourselves as science-based business consultants. We are passionate Industrial/Organizational Psychologists. It is our belief that the people in organizations are the promoters and critical factors for the corporate success of a company. We see ourselves as an innovative consultancy that reveals the potential of employees and uses it for individual, personal development. We enable our clients to work on topics of human resource management by themselves by showing them how to work with our methods and instruments.

We are offering consulting services in the following three areas:
• Team development
• Tailored testing
• Training.

Our work is always related to individuals or groups in organizations and methods or concepts. We generally establish long-term relationships of trust with our clients.

ProMES Focus

All companies with the strategy to reach their economic goals by involving and motivating their employees. Based on our experience there is no special line of business in which ProMES either can not be established or can be established exceptionally well. Still, ProMES is especially worthwhile in such sectors where there are less „hard“ criteria which are easily measured (e.g. services, developmental and planning tasks, leadership tasks).


Dr. Hartwig Fuhrmann
Alte Werner Straße 23
44805 Bochum
Tel. +49 173 2931475
